Tracked data

Below are described all the data that are tracked by the MBAudience SDK and that you will be able to use from the MBurger dashboard. Most of the data are tracked automatically, for a couples a little setup by the app is neccessary.

  • app_version: The current version of the app.

  • locale: The locale of the phone, the value returned by Locale.preferredLanguages.first.

  • sessions: An incremental number indicating the number of time the user opens the app, this number is incremented at each startup.

  • sessions_time: The total time the user has been on the app, this time is paused when the app goes in background (using didEnterBackgroundNotification) .and it's resumed when the app re-become active (using willEnterForegroundNotification).

  • last_session: The start date of the last session.

  • push_enabled: If push notifications are enabled or not; to determine this value the framework uses this function: UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings.

  • location_enabled: If user has given permissions to use location data or not; this is true if CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() is authorizedAlways or authorizedWhenInUse.

  • mobile_user_id: The user id of the user curently logged in MBurger

  • custom_id: A custom id that can be used to filter further.

  • tags: An array of tags

  • latitude, longitude: The latitude and longitude of the last place visited by this device

Last updated