Stylize in app messages

If you want to specify fonts and colors of the messages displayed you can use the MBInAppMessageViewStyleDelegate protocol. All the functions of the protocol are optional, if a function is not implemented the framework will use a default value. The elements that can be stylized are the following:

  • backgroundStyle: can be a solid color or a translucent color

  • backgroundColor: the color of the background

  • titleColor: the text color for the title of the message

  • bodyColor: the text color for the body

  • closeButtonColor: the color of the close button

  • button1BackgroundColor: the background color of the first action button

  • button1TitleColor: the text color of the first action button

  • button2BackgroundColor: the background color of the second action button

  • button2TitleColor: the text color of the second action button

  • button2BorderColor: the border color of the second action button

  • titleFont: the font of the title

  • bodyFont: the font of the body

  • buttonsTextFont: the font of the buttons titles


func backgroundStyle(forMessage message: MBInAppMessage) -> MBInAppMessageViewBackgroundStyle {
    return .solid

func backgroundColor(forMessage message: MBInAppMessage) -> UIColor {
    return .green

func titleColor(forMessage message: MBInAppMessage) -> UIColor {
    return .blue

func bodyColor(forMessage message: MBInAppMessage) -> UIColor {
    return .darkText

func button1TitleColor(forMessage message: MBInAppMessage) -> UIColor {
    return .white

func button1BackgroundColor(forMessage message: MBInAppMessage) -> UIColor {
    return .cyan

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